Here are videos from the said event.
Credit: HSSCANDAL+WWloveHJL2@YT+hjcoco@YT
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I am Sorry, I love you
First time look into the sky
Don’t give up
This is actually the first time young saeng had a solo event in Japan. We can see in the first vid that he really looks so nervous..but he’s very happy with the response he’s getting from the fans..On his second and third song..i noticed that he’s somehow at ease’s rare to see young saeng having so much interaction with fans..he’s asking them to wave..talking and smiling to them..etc. way to go saengi!! Here are some pictures from the event taken from Visit the site for more pictures from the event.
even the side profile is just too cute.. ^_^
saengi’s famous dimpled smile!! *faints
love this..he looks like a kid..
ys: look..this will go far!!..
failed! LOL!!
ys: ooppss!! mianhe.. (wahahahaha..young saeng-ah, you are just too adorable!)
Found this interview clip also:
There is no English subs..but I read from somewhere that ys talked about the new album..he said that the album will be delayed and that because they know that 501day is special that is why they will release the jacket photos on that day..nothing is confirmed though..let’s just wait.. tomorrow is 501day already!! ^_^
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