140211 - Day 103
sharing today some cute screencaps from youngsaeng's japan concert dvd. the moment i got my copy, i watched it right away. and i can't stop myself from watching it over and over again. i guess i really miss him a lot lately. in terms of the songs and the performances, i like the one he did in his Overjoyed concert better. maybe because it's the first time he did those songs and some of the perfs he did in this concert is just the same as the one in Overjoyed (ex. SS501 Medley, All My Love, etc.) but of course this concert has some new stuff as well like the very cute perf of I Know All, too bad the camera didn't capture his cute pout up close! haha! and also that cute dance part in Rainy Heart. he also sang his new song, Always You and I and i feel like crying during that part coz he sang it so well. what i also like in this concert is how he interacts with the fans. he's so cute! it's so funny how he calls them obachan. (w/c means middle aged woman/aunt as far as i know) bad otter!! and there's this one part where he asked the fans what they're saying and it sounded like "Aeiii (A)" and he responded with "B?" LOL!!! silly otter!! he's just too funny~~ and i love that about him. im missing him a lot now. i hope there's something new that'll come out in the days to come or else, i'll go crazy!!

otter, where are u? kk~
yeah yeah~ u do look cute youngsaengie~
asking a fan for her age and his reaction after. LOL!
sshh-ing the fans. hahaha
his cute facial expressions are priceless